Resolving the “chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode” Error with JetBrains IDEs

Recently, users of JetBrains IDEs have been encountering a common issue when trying to launch the software, receiving an error message stating “chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode.” This problem can lead to the IDE failing to start or functioning abnormally. However, the solution is relatively straightforward.

One of the suggested solutions is to change the owner and permissions of the “chrome-sandbox” file used by JetBrains IDEs. This can be achieved using the following commands in the terminal:

find ~/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/ | grep chrome-sandbox | xargs sudo chown root:root
find ~/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/ | grep chrome-sandbox | xargs sudo chmod 4755

This issue particularly arises after updating to Ubuntu 24.04, where changes in permissions or ownership of certain files may affect the functioning of installed applications like JetBrains IDEs. Applying the above solution can effectively resolve this problem, allowing users to continue using their IDEs without any hindrance.

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